Senior Writer

About me

This is where I show you there isn’t actually a rat under my Yankees cap controlling me to write the copy.

I'm a bilingual Senior Writer living in Manhattan.

My answers to the questions “Who are you?” and “Where are you from?” usually confuse people. I don’t blame them because they confuse me too. My name means a generalized group of people and I was born in a different place than where I grew up. And since then I’ve lived coast to coast to coast to coast. If you’re scratching your head, you’re not alone.

Let’s just skip to talking about baseball, punk rock, graffiti, or anything else that might come up. After all, we’re way more than the names given to us or where we’re from anyways.

Why yes, that would be a photo of me eating the finest hot dogs in all the land at Papaya King. Essentially my existence boiled down to a picture. Or should I say crisped on the griddle and heaped with sauerkraut.
